Soushi Akiba, an orphaned young man living a solitary life, encounters a girl wearing 'Jirai-kei' -The goth-like fashion- in the bustling nightlife district.
In such a place with the day nearing its end, Soushi, feeling sorry for the hungry girl, bought her some food.
But just as he tries to leave, a monstrous 'non-human' being, camouflaged as a human, attacks him.
With no hope in sight, a pink-haired girl in a sleek, cyberpunk-styled combat suit suddenly steps in.
"...Magical Gear Activation. Transform."
A transformation battle romance where love and duty collide to protect peace and everyday life!
"You don't need to take a bath every day."
A field operater for the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Team.
Sakura is shy, lazy, and completely helpless outside of battle, requiring constant support.
Her massive appetite racks up a food bill of 1 million yen every month.
"Think of the Countermeasures Team as a law enforcement agency specializing in 'UMAs'."
The head of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Team. She’s a calm and kind leader who seldom leaves headquarters.
Character Design: Oyazuri
Scenario: Amamikabocha
Producer: Jiro Shinagawa
Title:Sakura, The Jirai-kei Magical Girl
Platform:Nintendo Switch, Steam
Language:Japanese, English, Chinese(Simplified, Traditional)
with E-mote
■Release ■
Nintendo Switch:to be decided
Steam:January 24th
■System Requirements■
・OS:Japanese version Windows10/64bit, Windows11 (excluding Windows RT and 10 Mobile)
・CPU:Intel Core i processor (except low voltage version) is recommended.
・Memory:4GB RAM
・Strage:6GB or more
・DirectX:Version 11
・Other: Pointing device required (mouse, trackpad, etc.)
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